While on things technical there has been a request for some explanation of a few terms.
Warps are ropes that hold the boat to a pontoon or jetty.
Rodes are ropes or chain that hold a boat to an anchor. I have put in a picture of the rode locker so you can get an idea of what was involved in sorting it out. The white rope on the right hand side is for the large parachute anchor that goes out over the front, as there is 140metres of it. The only way to sort it out was to flake it out up and down the jetty and then pull it in and make sure it was stowed to run free. The middle green rope with the short length of chain on it is for the smaller drogue out the back, it is only 45 metres, with another 45 metres underneath if we need to add to it. The chain on the left is for the kedge anchor over the back, the one on Dave’s launch pad. They all have shackles on them ready to go, and we hope we never have to use them. You may also appreciate the novel use of Lakeland washing baskets and a recycling bag for the chain.
The gangway. I thought you might like to admire Dave’s gangway for getting on and off when we are moored stern to as in Bayona (more of Bayona later). He used a bit of an old extension ladder, a plank that can be also used as a fender board of we have to go on a wall, and a set of wheels off a green wheelie bin. It comes up off the jetty at night to stop it clanking if the wind gets up and would also repel boarders too.
A bimini is a sun awning that can be used at anchor or at sea. It is essential to provide shade in case of having to spend time at the wheel in the sun. It is basically a sheet on a set of poles or a frame. We were going to get one made before we left but things were becoming too delayed and complicated so it will probably be in Portugal. The umbrella has had its time up at sea, and grateful too we were for it, and it is also good in port if we don’t want to get the great big brown cover out. The umbrella and my huge green sheet are working well here in Bayona and the boat is staying cool inside – big relief to me I can assure you.
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