Friday, 29 October 2010


Well, here is a new development in the life of the blog. As we are continually out of wifi areas, there is a chance that there will be huge gaps in the posts. So daughter Kate has taken on the office of Chief Blog-Poster, putting the bits I send over the radio onto the blog. These will be short and no pictures, but I will add the additional fun stuff when we get to Malta where there is sure to be wifi.

We have reached Sciacca in southern Sicily, after a very lumpy 2-day crossing from Majorca to Cagliari in Sardinia, and an equally lumpy 3-day one from Cagliari to Sciacca. Sciacca is so tumbledown, old and non-tourist it is wonderful, but the weather is turning, so we will have to leave for Malta today. We will definitely come back in the spring. It is now really autumn, very windy at times, huge thunderstorms, and rain.

Breaking news. The moths escaped when we pulled out our foul weather gear for the first time since leaving the Irish Sea almost 7 months ago. And we can still get into them despite feasting on all the lovely meat, cheese and bread. And the lightweight duvets are out instead of just a sheet as it is now 15ºc overnight.

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