Having done lots of work this morning after lowering the dinghy into the water and lots of fun and games as Dave tried not to sink it or turn it over while looking at the sides, and painting some patches etc etc. More painting, scrubbing and filling this afternoon and now it is time to come below and cool down a bit at the computer. A beautiful sunny day and no wind - perfect.
I thought it is about time that we had a family catch up on the doings of the various grand offsprings. We have both two legged and four legged grandchildren, all of whom we love to bits.
First of all we have Harry. Now our Jo has 2 horses, Drummer and Suli, and much loved they are too, almost as much as husband Sean. It was decided that Suli was going to have a foal and so the saga began. I had not realized that a baby horse takes an eternity to cook up, but gradually April approached. Jo declined all offers of a layette, would have included ear holes, but then I suppose summer was coming. Dave was on tenterhooks, and grandpas are and texts were going back and forth daily, but at last Harry was born. Evidently he was a little bit larger than expected, since Jo put an order in for a small girl horse, and he needed the combined efforts of Jo and the vet to get him out into the world. So here he is. Cousin Dexter the dog in Brisbane reckons he very long legs for a puppy, but makes a very suitable cousin indeed. Now little Harry is being taught manners by our Jo, who is reading all the baby books, and he is running out in the field and being adored by everyone. So our Jo is now the proud almost mum of a fine strapping boy.
Then there is Alexander.
Two years ago Alexander entered the world a little earlier than expected and was ever so tiny, about the size of a bag of sugar.
He is a real little miracle and has grown and grown and grown, laughing all the way..

Well here he is at 2 years old, in the garden of his very first own home that Rachel and Andy are in the process of moving into. They have been living on a small flat till now, but at last they have a lovely house with a super garden for Alex to play in and we are certain they are going to be so very happy there – once they have recovered from the shock of it all! And now Alex is beginning to talk, and he is a great little singer too.
Our Kate in Brisbane has our Dexter, Assistance Dog Extraordinaire and King Fred of New Farm.
Our Dexter is a real star and as you can see just loves his Mum and also loves his toys. Dexter is one hard little worker and has just been off in the aeroplane with Kate to help her referee the Boccia nationals in Sydney. He is still a bit miffed he was not allowed to put his head out the window or get a pat from the pilots but he did get his own seat.
King Fred has just reached the lofty title of Monarch as befits his majestic self.
Kate and I started a jigsaw when we were visiting her over Christmas, but it was not to be as King Fred usurped not only the table but the box of pieces as a new bed.
This is a person of high status and dignity, which is for sure.