The day dawns bright and sunny, a light breeze and a gentle sway on the boat. Sigh. It cannot be put off any longer, so down the hole with the red paint while Dave goes up top and taps away at the remaining hatches that need a bit of TLC. After that it is a joint effort of chipping and hammering until the job is done. It has been a hot day, 28 degrees, so the cooling sea breeze in the afternoon is appreciated. Also in the afternoon we have our fun time watching the antics of the arriving visitors as they try to tie up in the marina. It is better than a comedy hour, even though we realize ‘there but for the grace of’ applies to us. The marina staff are very helpful and meet all the arriving yachts, it is just that the arriving yachts often do not listen to where they are supposed to go. And then there is the delight of shifting winds and boats that do not want to go in the direction they are pointed – we know that one as Spirit has a mind of her own if the wind catches the bow. All you can do is wait to see where you fetch up. Dave is in best behavior now as yesterday saw the arrival of another yacht flying the same ensign – the dark blue of the Royal Naval Sailing Association. Quick look in his little book and he finds out the new arrival is a rear admiral, so best we change our sloppy ways and take the flag down at night. This quaint custom is a left over from the old days – ensigns and flags are taken down at sunset as the sun is not allowed to set on the empire. There are many such gems he has from his navy days.
A couple of pictures of where we are.

If you look hard you will see the stern of Spirit immediately to the right of the large blue yacht. This is a very prestigious pontoon - it has all the old timers who would not leave while the pontoons were being replaced. The big blue boat is Polish, and we got to know the 3 lads from Poland who came to fix it up ready for the owner. They were lovely boys, and the best neighbours possible. One even went up the mast for us.

If you walk up the steps at the end of the pontoon and look towards the town, this is what you see.

An overview of the eastern side of the little harbour. The marina is right up the top of the left hand side of the picture near the entrance where the ferry is. Our pontoon is the 3rd one in from the entrance.
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