Thursday 7 February 2013

A story

Rummage rummage furtle furtle rustle rustle groan groan 'where on earth has she put it???' more rummage rummage.......

'Wotcha doing Dave?'
'I can't find it and we need it soon!'
'What is it?'
'I need that bottle of wine'
'But you don't drink wine anymore'
'Not for me, silly, it's for him'
'Him who?'
'King Neptune. It is only a couple of hours till we cross the equator. I can't remember though all the things you are supposed to do.' Big sigh.
'Well, we could prance around and around the cockpit I suppose.'
'Really, Jen, you could take this a bit more seriously......

Just think, in a little while we can zig-zag and go summer winter summer winter summer winter or northsouthnorthsouthnorth....!!!!  
King Neptune
Well, the no wind has finally caught up with us and we gave in last night and did a bit of motoring instead of slopping about with the sails crashing and snapping. According to the gribs we ought to be making our way out of it soon, but then there is that word ought....
Looks like a big knitting day to me.

Yesterday was clean the fridge day. Now for all those boatless people, our fridge is not like a domestic big box with doors on. It is a big hole under the work surface next to the sink, with a small evaporator in the roof and a compressor chugging away under the sink. I am 6 ft tall and have super long arms and by standing on tip toe and leaning over I can just wipe out the bottom. Bad luck for the petite crowd. By cunning and careful packing I can get those bricks for the esky frozen and some meat if it is put under the evaporator, but this is not so easy as the rest of the stuff in the fridge becomes a disorderly mess and occasionally need a sort out - and yesterday was the day. Best bit was finding some still edible chicken for dinner!! Just don't tell health and safety as I think we break all the rules, but so far so good.....! (And a lovely dinner it was too, courtesy of Dave and his culinary skills.)

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