Having had the delight of Panjon, we thought we had better get a move on and get over to Bayona and the marina to do the jobs and get the mail, so we motored over the bay and had a look around. Found a super berth on the outside alongside the pontoon, not rafted up like the others. Goodie, thought Jen. Until we found out that this berth was for bigger boats than us even, we were welcome to stay, but at 50 euros a night declined the offer and moved in with the hoi-polloi. Not the easiest of manouevres, but managed witht he help of the staff. The problem for us is getting the lines ashore over the back end when we can't get off. Anyway , we tucked up, Dave constructed his amazing drawbridge and we were set to do the work in hand. This amazing contraption is made from part of an old extension ladder, a plank and a set of wheels from a wheelie bi, and works a treat, either from the front or the back.

We wre soon joined by another boat lurching alongside, and made friends with the English couple on boards. We were able to offer mutual assistance as well,
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