Well have done the washing and lowered the tone of the neighbourhood somewhat, but needs must as they say. Washing means over the sink with the fan going full blast, then into the buckets to go up the deck and onto the line.

Dave reckons it is the most expensive clothesline in Gib as it is usually used for the colourful sail and is special kevlar stuff. But works well indeed.
Maybe I should tell you about our neighbourhood. When we were in Tobermory we were considered a big yacht, especially for 2 old codgers to manage, but here we are a pip squeak. We are surrounded by very large yachts and motor boats.

In the picture you can see little old us, the white one with the washing, between the big blue power boat (recently bought for £11 million), and the big blue yacht in front. Big yacht is over twice as long and has everything you can think of including air conditioning and a microwave - the only 2 things I could envy perhaps in the heat. Behind the yacht you can see the back end of the big American power boat that is taller than our mast - look for the people on the side deck to get a sense of size. The second story has a full gym set and you can see them pedalling away and doing treadmill things. Top story has a pool. Dave reckons it is as big as a frigate. And there are more of the same around the corner and more come in and out every day. So much money seems obscene to me - the cost of the American boat is thought to be in the region of $1 billion, £500 million pounds. And then there is the cost of running them and keeping the crew. Surely there must be a better thing they could do with all this excessive wealth. I might have mentioned it before, but when we arrived the boat behind is was a vast yacht, and this was the smallest of 8 boats the owner had dotted around the Mediterranean, all with crews on board, in case he felt like getting away at any time. So we put a bit of reality into the scene, especially with our eccentric array of covers until we get the sunshade, and our constant work in progress. I think we are the happiest too, we are always having a laugh, but the folk of the big boats always seem so glum.
We are not so fond of our other neighbours either.

Every night, especially over the weekends, we are blasted from the casino with the most evil disco music imaginable played at maximum volume until 7 am. Added to this is the drunken shouting that seems to be the obligatory accompaniment and you can imagine we are somewhat sleep deprived. You can't shut the hatches entirely, even with the fans, and it is a bit miserable. You can see from the pikkie we are just across the way. All the boats complain, but nothing happens. Bring on the mail and we are out to peace and quiet.
End of moans - from now on there are only good things to write about!!
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