Friday 30 April 2010


Seeing it is a rainy day today and Dave has decided to do some cosseting of his much beloved engine, leaving me the chart table to sit at as everywhere else is occupied either by bits of table or tools, I thought it would be a god time to catch up on the blog.
We are still at Swansea, but getting quite excited now as it is getting closer to leaving. Just a few bits and pieces. But first a story.
The scene: Dave and jenny are sitting at the table doing the crossword at the end of another eventful day.
Dave leans over and says ‘This is for you’. I look up and in his hand there is what appears to be most of a rather decrepit tooth and filling.
‘I don’t want that’
‘Now there is the biggest hole in the whole wide world in my mouth’ Heart sinks, this is something to deal with tomorrow.
Tomorrow sees me on the phone trying to find a dentist – come back Rosemary, we have a place for you on the boat! Multiple calls later and magically we find one with a cancellation if Dave left immediately. So next find a taxi, and then try to decide how to explain where to pick him up to a rather dozy girl in the taxi office. We finally get him there and a bit later I get a call from him while his mouth is going numb. ‘Jen, do you think I should tell him about the other tooth that’s not right?’
‘What other tooth Dave??’
‘The one that’s been wrong since we left and I forgot to say and hoped it would get better.’
I was really very cool and restrained in answering that teeth don’t magically get better, and yes, he had better do something. It turns out that Rosemary our lovely Tobermory dentist had suggested he get it fixed but he ‘forgot’. So now we have another week to get this one fixed as it needs a crown replacing. Meanwhile I keep sanding woodwork (until it rains).
So we have a fixed tooth and happy Dave and a crown coming express delivery at the end of the week and a bill to make your eyes water as there is apparently no NHS dentists doing emergencies.
I have had a good look, but I don’t think there are any more bits of us to break before Biscay, but you never know I guess.

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